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Write Time

Feeling guilty about not writing more? Want to increase your writing productivity? Looking for a way to stay accountable? Want to connect with a community of other writers?

Join us for Write Time!

Facilitated by the University Writing Center, Write Time provides a focused, supportive space for writers to set goals and get words on the page.

WHENWrite Time will resume for the summer 2024 beginning on May 29.  

Write Time will be held on: 

  • Mondays from 2-4 pm
  • Tuesdays from 10 am-12 pm 
  • Wednesdays from 10 am-12 pm 
  • Thursdays from 2-4 pm

*Write Time will not meet on June 19 or during July 1-5. 

WHEREIn person at ASBN 100 (across from The Den) or on Zoom: (ID: 960 6230 5964)

If you require accommodations for this event, please email 


How Write Time Works

  • Participants establish small, individual writing goals for the session (e.g., "write three paragraphs of my methods section," "revise the first half of my research proposal").
  • Remaining time is dedicated to independent writing using the Pomodoro technique for productivity. 
  • The session ends with a short reflection on writing progress and celebration of accomplishments. 
  • One-on-one consultations are not available during Write Time, but we also encourage writers to make one-on-one appointments on our website: 

Hear What Participants Have to Say

I enjoy the collaborative and supportive nature of Write Time. It's a group of people I can count on to be positive and encouraging in my writing endeavors as I strive to find my voice and process in my academic venture. We share quotes, helpful books and tidbits of our writing lives with each other, along with a good dose of individual writing time. 
- Nariman, Developmental Education Ph.D. student

I started Write Time last semester and I hope to continue it throughout graduate school. It has helped keep me accountable and dedicate time to writing every week. It has been useful with completing small tasks, such as grading papers, as well as larger ones, like manuscripts and proposals. In addition, the community of Write Time makes me want to show up; getting to know other people, their projects, and the things they struggle with makes the experience more welcoming and increases my accountability since I know I'll be missed if I don't show. I recommend Write Time for all graduate students, no matter the discipline, because we all need to write something.    
- Gemini, Criminal Justice Ph.D. student

Summer Incentive 

To make your summer even more exciting, each Write Time session you attend will earn you an entry into our summer #TXSTnext limited prize raffle. The drawing will take place after June 28th, so the more sessions you attend, the higher your chances to win!


Our Write Time Coordinator:

Camrie Pipper, Education Specialist